The DA2 will not power on
Make sure your DA2 is connected to the power source before turning on the receiver.
Disconnect the USB and re-connect to the battery pack.
Check the battery pack is charged.
Check and test if the USB cable is damaged by using it in another device. Make sure the USB is free from obstructions or debris and had not come loose.
DA2 cannot connect to Trimble Mobile Manager
Connection check 1:
Make sure the Bluetooth is on and the DA2 light is flashing blue.
With the DA2 flashing blue and waiting for connect, Inside Trimble Mobile Manger, under the “Position Source” menu:
Click on “List The Connected Devices”
When Bluetooth scanning has finished press “Show All” to reveal a list of detected devices.
Scan for the device again inside Trimble Mobile Manager, select the serial number of the receiver.
Connection check 2:
Check that the Device, DA2 and Trimble Mobile Manager application have all been updated to the most recent firmware version.
Scan for the device again inside Trimble Mobile Manager, select the serial number of the receiver.
Connection check 3:
- With the DA2 on, and the light flashing blue, press and hold the power button for 6 seconds until the lights turns off. This will clear all existing connections.
- To ensure the reset connection has a better chance of appearing; inside Trimble Mobile Manager under the "Position Source" menu, swap the "GNSS Receiver" type from Bluetooth receiver to internal connection (Trimble Catalyst DA1). Then swap back to the the Bluetooth receiver.
- Scan for the device again inside Trimble Mobile Manager, select the serial number of the receiver.
Connection check 4:
- If no device has appeared, try forgetting the DA2 inside devices Bluetooth settings directly.
- Scan for the device again inside Trimble Mobile Manager, select the serial number of the receiver.
DA2 is not connecting to the application
- Make sure all other applications have been closed and that another app is not already connected to the DA2.
- Make sure the Bluetooth is on and the DA2 light is flashing blue.
- Make sure that “Location Services” have been turned on for your device.
- Make sure the DA2 is pared directly to the device Bluetooth.
- Check that the device has been set as the “Default Receiver” for the application.
- Check that a “Mock Location” is being used inside Trimble Mobile Manager.
- If a mock location is off and is required, you can turn it on in Mobile manager.
Turning on a mock location:
(Note this may require developer options to be turned on and the direct workflow might differ for specific devices)
- Inside the “Settings App” for your device, go to the About Phone heading.
- Scroll down to the “Build number” and tap on it 7 times.
- You likely will not receive any feedback after the first few taps. Keep tapping and you'll see a message that says, "You Are Now X Steps Away From Being A Developer."
Enter in your device passwords or PIN. - Once entered, you will get a popup saying that you are now a developer.
- Load back into Trimble Mobile Manager and go to the “Application Settings” heading.
- Check to make sure that “Share Location” has been now turned on.
- Navigate to the home page, and check that “Location Sharing” in now showing On.
- Trimble Mobile manager will now be sharing its position as a “Mock Location”.
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