Observations can be measured and stored with the correct code in one step using Measure codes. Perfect for large scale Feature/As-built surveys.
Measure Codes is dictated by how well your Feature Code Library is set up.
Once you have started your survey. Select Main Menu > Measure > Measure Codes
Your feature code library should have pre-defined groups which will be selectable from the drop down (a)
Select one of the Code Tiles to highlight it yellow. Once it is yellow (b) you can tap it again or press ENTER to simultaneously measure and store the point with the correct code. Making sure your prism/GNSS pole is level before you tap the code.
In this instance (b) "EB" is the code and "Edge of Bitumen" is the code description.
If you want to create line strings tap the:
- + softkey to go up a string suffix for the selected code
- - softkey to go down a string suffix for the selected code
- "Find" softkey to find the next available suffix for the selected code
One Off Code
If you have a one off code that doesn't appear in your current group you can select the "one off" (a) button and manually enter the code (b) then press the Measure (c) soft key to take the measurement. Once you do your measurement you press it again (a) to turn it off. One off codes can't be strung.
Template Pick-Up
You can configure the Template pickup setting to automatically select the next code in the selected group of the Measure codes screen after storing a point. Template pickup is particularly practical when coding observations in a regular pattern, for example, a road cross section. To enable Template pick-up press the Pencil Icon.
From here you will be greeted by the Edit Measure Codes Screen.
a. You should create a New Group for your template. In this instance Road Zig-Zag was created.
b. Enable the template pickup. When you do this the template icon will appear on the code button (c.)
d. Select the amount of code buttons required for the template
e. Choose direction of template
f. Use the arrow keys to order the buttons
g. Press Accept.
You will now have to make sure your line strings are pre set before you start.
Here is an example of the Zig-Zag template being used:
For additional information or assistance, contact 1800 800 874 or email support@upgsolutions.com
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