If you have a Trimble GNSS receiver capable of receiving the RTX correction service, you can also utilise Trimble xFill providing seamless centimetre level back up corrections via satellite if your RTK or VRS correction sources are interrupted or out of range, provided you are in sight of the RTX satellite.
To enable automatic xFill initialisation, select the xFill checkbox in your GNSS Survey Style – Rover Options, at the bottom of the page.
After you have achieved RTK initialisation, the xFill initialisation process will begin in the background, check its status by select the Rover Data Link icon at the top of the screen.
If you then lose your RTK or VRS correction source, xFill will begin automatically.
The Rover Data Link icon will change to xFill satellite & clock icon, and your status bar will reflect that you are now in xFill mode. xFill mode will continue for up to 5 minutes with a slowly degrading accuracy or can continue indefinitely with an xFill Premium subscription.
xFill will return to stand-by mode automatically in the event you regain your RTK or VRS correction source.
For additional information or assistance, contact 1800 800 874 or email support@upgsolutions.com
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