Access Trimble License Manager using a Web Browser
1. Go to to access Trimble License Manager application.
2. Sign into Trimble License Manager using your Trimble ID.
3. The licenses which your Trimble ID has ownership of can be found in the Licenses Tab.
License Activation
1. A License must be activated before it can be used. You will have received an email from Trimble Business Systems with a link to Trimble License Manager to activate your subscription.
2. You may need to accept the Terms before you can activate a license. Once the Terms have been accepted an Activate button will appear. Once a license is activated it can be used immediately by the user. Please be aware that activation of a license cannot be undone.
3. The expiry date of an activated license is shown to the right-hand side of the license.
Assigning Users to Licenses
1. To assign another Trimble ID to a license you will need to remove the existing user if there is one. This can be done by clicking on the X button next to the Trimble ID.
2. A new user can then be assigned by clicking on the person icon.
3. A pop-up box will then appear where you can fill in the new user details. Click Assign New User to confirm user details.
4. If the user has been assigned to a license previously, they are known as an existing user. You can search for their Trimble ID by typing into the search box and selecting the user from the drop-down list.
5. A list of existing users can also be seen in the Users tab. You can search for a specific Trimble ID by typing into the search box.
6. An email will be sent to the user from Trimble Business Systems to say when they have been assigned or unassigned from a license. Please note that changing who the license is assigned to does not change the ownership of the license.
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